At the General Assembly in Bonn on July 4, 2018, the member institutions of the German Research Foundation (DFG) unanimously agreed to implement qualitative reporting as part of the DFG's "Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality". In the future, the members aim to submit qualitative, concise reports on two alternating key topics every two years and exchange information on these topics without competition. The topics for the reports will be decided at the members' meetings.
The following two topics were chosen as the focus areas for the reporting cycle (2018 - 2020):
1. 'Easing the burden on female scientists for committee work'
2. 'Recruitment procedures for the recruitment of female scientists'
The following two topics were selected as priorities for the current reporting cycle (2020 - 2022):
3. 'Increasing the proportion of women in the postdoc phase'