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The Equal Opportunities Officer supports the university in fulfilling its equal opportunities mandate in accordance with § 3 para. 3 Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG)"In performing their duties, the universities shall promote the actual implementation of equal opportunities for women and men and work towards the elimination of existing disadvantages. They shall contribute to the promotion of women's and gender research."

§ Section 42 para. 2 NHG: "The Equal Opportunities Officer works towards the fulfillment of the equal opportunities mandate. In particular, she is involved in development planning, in the preparation of the equality plan and in structural and personnel decisions. She can convene meetings. It is obliged to report to the Senate and informs the public about the performance of its duties. In fulfilling its tasks, it is not bound by professional orders and instructions."

These legal requirements result in extensive tasks and subject areas. The most important of these include

  • Advice for all university women,
  • Developing measures and projects relevant to gender equality,
  • Participation in structural and personnel decisions at the university,
  • Participation in the university's development planning,
  • participation in the preparation of the equality plan and
  • preparation of concepts and reports as well as participation in the implementation of the research-oriented equality standards of the DFG.