- According to §42 para. 2 and 3 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG) the Equal Opportunities Officer works towards the fulfillment of the equal opportunities mandate according to § 3 para. 3 of the NHG.
- In particular, she is involved in development planning, in the preparation of the equality plan and in structural and personnel decisions.
- It can convene meetings.
- It is obliged to report to the Senate and informs the public about the performance of its duties.
- In the fulfillment of her duties, she is not bound by professional orders and instructions.
- The Equal Opportunities Officer has the right to make presentations to the Executive Board.
- In order to fulfill her duties, she may attend meetings of other bodies, committees and commissions, to which she must be invited as a member, with the right to submit motions and speak.
- In particular, she must be involved in a timely and comprehensive manner in upcoming personnel measures.
- The Equal Opportunities Officer may inspect application documents.
- She is obliged to maintain confidentiality.
According to §42 para. 4 of the NHG, the Equal Opportunities Officer has a right of appeal if a decision of a body has been made against the vote of the Equal Opportunities Officer.