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Confronting sexism with confidence and communicating sexual transgressions

Who: Female students at TU Clausthal

What: Practical workshop "Confronting sexism with confidence and communicating sexual transgressions"

When: Winter semester 2024/25 in presence

Where: TU Clausthal

Sexism, sexual boundary violations and inappropriate role models are omnipresent in our everyday lives and yet taboo. This is often associated with shame or insecurity and the questions: "Was that just a stupid remark or something more?" "Why is this happening to me?" "How can I defend myself against it?"

We will talk about all this and more in this workshop.

You will gain up-to-date knowledge about everyday sexism. You will gain practical ideas for individual ways to act against sexism that you encounter in your everyday life on campus, at work and in your free time. We will work together specifically on recognizing and pointing out boundaries and making better use of your own strengths - situationally and preventively. So that you can not only stand up to inappropriate behavior, boundary violations and assaults, but also prevent them. Because knowing about sexist structures and strategies is the best prevention.

Speakers: Verena Arps-Roelle & Sebastian Arps from the act & protect® Academy.